Our Perspectives

Management Systems has a commitment to fundamental research on organizational success and failure as well as to the development of managerial tools based upon that research. We are significant contributors to the research and practitioner literature in a wide variety of areas related to organizational development and success. 

The results of our research and applications are reflected in our books and articles that have been widely published. Several of our books have been reprinted in different languages throughout the world (see Publications). In addition, several of our surveys have been utilized by scholars throughout the world in their own research.  Where feasible, we continue to provide access to these methodologies for independent scholarly work.  For example, we are currently working with the International Academy of Business in Almaty, Kazakhstan to train members of their faulty to do research on our models and apply our methods in the Russian speaking countries of the former Soviet Union. 

We are pleased to be regarded as thought leaders and are committed to continuing to publish pioneering research as well as books and articles that support the practical application of our research.