Culture Management

Management Systems’ culture management tools help you build a sustainably successful organization by increasing the extent to which your organization has a strong functional (positive) culture that comprises a “strategic asset.”  For an organization to be successful over the long term, its culture needs to be managed effectively.  In fact, our pioneering research has shown that corporate culture has a direct impact on “bottom line” financial performance.  Therefore, if culture is not managed effectively, it can become a significant liability.

Our work on culture management can take many forms, depending on your organization’s needs.  This can include: 

  • Providing training to you and your team on how to manage corporate culture effectively, using Management Systems’ research-based and proven in practice culture management process.  This training typically includes specific workshops designed to help you begin applying our approach within your company and can include collecting “data” that can be used as the basis for developing your company’s culture management plan.

  • Assisting you in developing a statement of your desired or strategic culture based upon the five key dimensions that our research indicates need to be part of any culture statement – Customer/Client Orientation, People/Employee Orientation, Performance Standards and Accountability, Openness to Change and Innovation, and Company Process Orientation.

  • Administering our validated Culture Survey to all or a sample of your employees and providing you with a report on the results.  Survey results will help you understand the extent to which you are effectively managing the five key culture dimensions and will provide you with information that can be used to develop a culture management plan. 

  • Developing and administering to all or a sample of your employees a customized culture survey to assess the extent to which:

    • People in your organization understand and embrace your company’s desired culture; and
    • Your desired culture is actually being “practiced” in your organization.

Our customized surveys provide both quantitative (e.g., average scores for culture dimensions, average scores for specific items, etc.) and qualitative (i.e., narrative responses to one or more open-ended questions) results.  Qualitative data collected from respondents can provide you with additional insights into how people at your company perceive your culture and the effectiveness of your culture management efforts.  Survey results can help you clearly identify specific culture management issues and can be used as the basis for developing a plan to more effectively manage your organization’s culture. 

    • Conducting a comprehensive assessment of your company’s culture.  This assessment involves collecting information about your company’s culture and its management through one-on-one interviews, group workshops, and surveys.  We analyze the information collected and provide you with a report of our findings about the current status of your culture and your culture management efforts.  We also provide you with recommendations for more effectively communicating, reinforcing, and managing your organization’s culture.
    • Working with you and your leadership team to develop and implement a culture management plan.  A culture management plan identifies your Objectives and SMART Goals for communicating, reinforcing, and managing your organization’s culture.