How We Work With You

We view ourselves as partners in helping you build a sustainably successful organization.  This work begins with the identification of your needs and continues through the design and delivery of a customized solution that will meet these needs.

Identifying your needs begins with one or more discussions with you during which we want to learn about your business and the challenges that you are facing.  During these discussions, we will share our ideas for how we might work with you and identify the members of our team who will be your partners in this effort.

Based on our discussions with you, we will prepare and send to you a formal proposal that describes the services we will provide, the members of our team who will work with you, the budget for these services, and the timeline for completion.  

If you decide to engage us to work with you, we will deliver the services as described in the proposal and will not change either the people from the Management Systems’ team who are working with you or the budget unless you decide that changes need to be made.  We want our clients to feel comfortable contacting us with their questions and concerns and build this contact into all of our projects.  

Throughout our work with you, we want your feedback and value it.  Over the past 35 plus years, we have learned a great deal from our clients.  Client feedback and ideas have helped us develop new products, services, and ways of delivering what we do.