Train the Trainer

Our Train-the-Trainer process helps designated people on your team become “in-house” experts in using specific Management Systems’ tools – particularly our Management/Leadership Development modules.  

Management Systems’ Train-the-Trainer program typically involves:

  • Customizing Management Systems’ tool(s) to meet your company’s needs.  This might include working with you to develop:
    • Specific application tools or case studies for use in your Management/Leadership Development Program; 
    • Tools to support effective plan or performance management system implementation; or
    • Corporate culture management materials and tools.
  • Having your designated “trainers in training” observe a Management Systems’ team member leading the implementation of the specific tool – e.g., presenting specific Management/Leadership Development sessions, facilitating a strategic planning process, leading the team in developing culture management plans, etc.  Typically, this observation occurs in the context of Management Systems providing the service to your company.  
  • Customizing, as needed, and providing to each designated trainer the specific Management Systems’ Trainer Guide(s) that support effective implementation of the specific tool(s).  We have very detailed “scripted” trainer guides for all of the modules we deliver as a part of our Management/Leadership Development Programs.  We also have guides for many of the other tools that we offer and can work with you to develop guides that will best meet your company’s and your trainers’ needs.  
  • Providing coaching to your trainers in training about how to effectively use our tools.  This can include providing in-depth training on the theory upon with the tool is based, discussing the types of challenges that can be faced in using the tool and how to address these challenges, and addressing specific questions that the trainers in training have.  This coaching typically occurs before your trainers begin using the tool within your company and continues until the train-the-trainer program concludes.
  • Observing your designated trainers actually using the tool in practice – e.g., observing your trainers presenting the specific Management/Leadership Development module, facilitating a plan development meeting, leading an organization structure re-design effort, etc.
  • A one-time licensing fee that gives your designated trainers the right to deliver the program/process and use the tool indefinitely within your company.